At 5.30am this morning I did the Becky CrossFit workout in freezing conditions. The session involved 2.6 km of running on the empty frozen streets of south Manchester. This was mentally challenging, which is apt given the fact that the Becky Crossfit workout is a WOD for mental health awareness.
The WOD remembers CrossFitter Becky Sefscik, a US Navy vereran who sadly took her own life after years of suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). My early morning slovenliness, trepidation at the cold weather and lackluster athletic performance are insignificant when compared to the struggle of 30 year old Becky.
3 reasons to do the Becky CrossFit workout
- When doing the Becky CrossFit workout the long runs are a great opportunity to be thankful of what you have in life.
- The WOD is fun as it includes a little bit of everything
- Thank your lucky stars that you aren’t suffering from mental health issues like Becky
200m Run, then
2 Rounds of:
3 Inch Worms
6 Burpees
15 Walking Lunges
Split Jerk (6-6-6-6-6 :: 5 sets of 6 reps)
6 Reps/ 3 per leg
I broke my personal best today. I lifted 47.5kg after completing two sets each of 40kg and then 45kg
Becky – Mental Health Awareness (Time)
800 meter run
30 KB snatches
400 -meter run
30 hang cleans 95/65 pounds
200-meter run
30 back squats 95/65 pounds
400-meter run
30 push ups
800-meter run
30 pull ups
I used a 16kg kettle-bell and a 30kg barbell.
This is a great obituary for Becky Sefscik