CrossFit WOD from hell

crossfit wod from hellI did’nt expect to encounter the CrossFit WOD from hell this morning when I rolled in to the box for a 5.30am start. Tradition dictates that Thursday is a little gentler on the body, enabling the Manchester CrossFit community to take it a little easier midway through the week.

A brutal combination of sit-ups, pull-ups, wall balls and running were a tough way to start the morning.

I actually enjoyed the CrossFit WOD from hell despite initial trepidation when peeking at Wodify, the online workout calendar, before getting out of bed. I never normally log-on to find out what the coaches at Infiniti Fitness Gym have in store for us but for some reason I looked and I was immediately filled with dread at the upcoming WOD.

Today’s workout consisted of:


3 rounds of
10 air squats
5 Burpee Broad Jumps
16 walking lunges w/ hands OH

Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)

Suspend pikes (Reps to failure, 3 sets) scaled down to knees to chest

Suspended hip bridges (Reps to failure, 3 sets)

Score = total reps in each round

I did a total of 56 reps.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30 Min AMRAP
50 Sit-ups
40 Wall Balls 10/6kg
30 Pull-ups
200m Run w/ Wall Ball
I managed 3 rounds plus 87 reps. I used a 6kg medicine ball and I did jumping pull-ups.

Whats your CrossFit WOD from hell?

My nemesis id pull-ups and wall balls. I can cope with sit-ups and running. Everyone is different. Let me know what which CrossFit WOD from hell makes you shake with fear?


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