After two days recovering from my first run in ages I decided to try my first 10k run since returning to running. This was a tough lesson in biting off more than I can chew as the difference in distance was a problem. I learned some lessons and now have some great first 10k run tips to share with anyone preparing for the event.
Swimming My Way To Fitness
In the past I’ve lost weight and improved my health by swimming my way to fitness. It is easy on the legs and quite cathartic it making it the ideal way to workout after a run. Continue reading Swimming My Way To Fitness
Spinning Class At Home
When I’m short of time and my wife is at work it can be difficult to workout. This is where a spinning class at home comes in handy. Continue reading Spinning Class At Home
First Steps To Fitness
A run on New Years Day 2015 marked my latest attempt to return to fitness. The first steps to fitness are arguably the most important so I was glad to get this workout under my belt. This takes me from being a ‘fitness dreamer’ on the couch to the lowest steps on the rung of the latter. Continue reading First Steps To Fitness
Why I Need To Get Fit
There are a number of reasons why I need to get fit. Throughout Christmas 2014 a number of realities hit home. With my weight rising by the day amidst endless lunches and boozy nights out I decided to embark on a journey towards fitness. Continue reading Why I Need To Get Fit